This is what we're all about



Connecting People, Strengthening Families, and Fulfilling Purpose. This is what we do, and this is who we are. At Grace Christian Family Church our heart is that everyone would know the Grace of God and know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We believe that through Him we can live a live full of purpose, establish lasting friendships, see our lives prosper and witness our families grow in love.



We believe that Christianity is about relationship not religion. Through connecting with each other, we are strengthened in the love of Christ. We support and encourage each other. We pray for each other. We learn and grow with each other. We laugh with and love one another. This makes us a family and our arms are always open to receive anyone who needs one.



Family is where it all begins. God himself adopted us as His own children by sending His son as a perfect sacrifice to cleanse us from all our guilt, shame and sin. He did this to be close to us. He wanted to reconnect with us and have a loving relationship as a father does with his child. This is why families are so important to Him. This world is out to destroy families through divorce, stealing the rightful place of the father in the home, and misguiding children to disrespect their parents. We are out to change this through prayer, teaching and counsel. Our heart is to be help to the widow, father to the orphan, and friend to the homeless.



Since the moment we were conceived we were given a purpose. A life without purpose is aimless, fruitless, and unfulfilled. Some think you must strive to make money and be rich. Others believe fame and recognition is true worth. But there is no greater purpose than serving God and helping others to come to know Him. When you give your life, talents, money, and time to Jesus Christ it blesses Him and His Kingdom. In return, He blesses you with ideas, provision, peace, opportunities, and the joy and fulfillment of knowing you are doing exactly what you were created for.